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Are you in your 40’s and looking for guaranteed acceptance life insurance?
Below is everything you need to know about guaranteed acceptance life insurance for age 40 to 49, including sample rates, the best life insurance company for your age, and more!
When shopping for life insurance coverage, all insurance companies and agents are going to ask about your age. This is one of the largest determining factors in what type of policy you should apply for and what you will be charged. Your age also plays a role in what type of policies you’re even eligible for.
What You’ll Learn
Can You Get Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance at Age 40?
Best Guaranteed Life Insurance Company for Age 40 to 49
Guaranteed Life Insurance Rates
About Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance
Qualifying for Life Insurance Without a Waiting Period
How to Apply for Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance

When looking only at age (not health or lifestyle) people in their 40s are typically eligible for most types of policies, including term and whole life. The premiums are typically more than you will pay in your 30s, but it is still more affordable than if you waited any longer.
Can You Get Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance at Age 40?
Finding guaranteed acceptance life insurance, also known as guaranteed issue, under age 50 is actually quite difficult. The majority of guaranteed acceptance life insurance products are only available for people between the ages of 50 and 80.
Truthfully, this is because younger people are less likely to have serious health conditions and be considered uninsurable. For those that do, the risk is usually too great for insurance companies to take on.
However, there is an option for guaranteed issue insurance at age 40 to 49.
Best Guaranteed Life Insurance Company for Age 40 to 49
The best choice for guaranteed acceptance insurance in your 40s is Great Western.
There are a few other carriers like Mutual of Omaha that also insure people as low as 45, but the majority will not go as low as 40. This does not mean that there won’t be carriers in the future who insure younger people, but today the options are limited.
This article will explore what it means to get a guaranteed issue policy in your 40s and if it is truly the best type of insurance for you.
In addition to your 40s, we also break down guaranteed issue life insurance by age groups between their 40s and 80s.
Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance Rates for Ages 40 to 49
To get started, we’ve prepared a table of some sample quotes from Great Western that you can use. Please keep in mind that these are subject to change at any time.
To compare guaranteed acceptance life insurance rates for up to $40,000 and all amounts in between, use our free quoting tool on the page.
Rates for Males Age 40 – 49
This table shows the monthly rates for guaranteed acceptance life insurance for men in their 40’s.
$5,000 | $10,000 | $15,000 | $20,000 | |
Age 40 | $26.25 | $49.68 | $72.92 | $96.25 |
Age 41 | $26.67 | $50.42 | $74.16 | $98.00 |
Age 42 | $28.33 | $53.75 | $76.67 | $101.25 |
Age 43 | $28.33 | $53.75 | $79.17 | $104.59 |
Age 44 | $28.75 | $54.58 | $80.42 | $106.25 |
Age 45 | $29.17 | $55.41 | $81.67 | $108.00 |
Age 46 | $29.59 | $56.25 | $83.00 | $109.60 |
Age 47 | $30.00 | $57.09 | $84.17 | $111.25 |
Age 48 | $30.83 | $58.75 | $86.67 | $114.58 |
Age 49 | $30.83 | $58.75 | $86.67 | $114.58 |
Rates for Females Age 40 – 49
Below are the monthly rates for guaranteed acceptance life insurance for women in their 40’s.
$5,000 | $10,000 | $15,000 | $20,000 | |
Age 40 | $21.67 | $40.42 | $59.17 | $77.92 |
Age 41 | $22.08 | $41.25 | $60.42 | $79.58 |
Age 42 | $22.92 | $42.92 | $63.00 | $83.00 |
Age 43 | $23.75 | $44.58 | $65.42 | $86.52 |
Age 44 | $24.17 | $45.42 | $66.67 | $87.92 |
Age 45 | $24.58 | $46.25 | $68.00 | $89.58 |
Age 46 | $25.00 | $47.08 | $69.17 | $91.25 |
Age 47 | $25.42 | $47.92 | $70.41 | $92.92 |
Age 48 | $25.83 | $48.75 | $71.67 | $94.58 |
Age 49 | $26.25 | $49.58 | $73.00 | $96.25 |
About Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance
If you’re not familiar with guaranteed issue life insurance policies, let’s clarify.
Guaranteed issue or guaranteed acceptance life insurance, is a type of life insurance that is mostly for elderly seniors or people with high-risk medical conditions. You are guaranteed to be accepted, however, there are drawbacks such as higher premiums, lower coverage amounts, and the waiting period or graded death benefit.
Graded Death Benefit for People Age 40 to 49

Although there are no health questions, all guaranteed acceptance insurance policies come with a feature called a graded death benefit.
A graded death benefit means that if the person insured dies within a certain period of time, the beneficiaries do not get the full death benefit amount. The length of this time is usually two years but can be upwards of three with certain carriers.
Fortunately, guaranteed issue life insurance in your 40s automatically qualifies you for the shortest graded period of two years.
This means that if death occurs within the first two years of your policy being “in-force” or “active,” your beneficiaries will not receive the full face amount. This amount typically ranges between $5,000 and $25,000 and is dependent on your budget and financial needs. With Great Western, the maximum face amount you can apply for is $40,000.
Instead, if you die within the first two years, your beneficiaries will receive the total premiums paid to date plus 10% interest.
After the two year graded period is over, your beneficiaries are guaranteed the full face amount paid upon your death.
The Exception to the Graded Death Benefit
If death occurs by accidental causes during the graded period, the full face amount will be paid. This means that if you pass away from a car accident or in a way that could not have been foreseen, your policy will be paid in full and the insurance company will keep all the premiums. This is standard procedure for all other types of insurance policies.
In a strange way, this is good news for people in their 40s. Why?
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), accidents or “unintentional injuries” are the leading cause of death for males between the ages of 35 and 44 at 25.3%. For males between the ages of 45 and 54, accidents are the third leading cause of death at 13%.
For females between the ages of 35 and 44, unintentional injuries are the second leading cause of death at 18.2%. For females between the ages of 45 and 54, it is the third leading cause of death at 9.7%.
The reason this is “good” news is that if you die within the first two years of your policy being in force, there is a higher chance that it’ll be due to an accident, which guarantees the full death benefit to your loved ones. In order to enact this exception, your loved ones will need to provide a death certificate and a police report describing the accident in order to pay the accidental death benefit.
As people age, the likelihood of death being caused by health reasons increases. For people who die from stroke, cancer, or any other number of ailments, their loved ones will only receive 110% of the total premiums paid to date.
Qualifying for Life Insurance Without a Waiting Period in Your 40s
Even though people in their 40s may have the highest likelihood of surviving through their graded period, it is still better not having one at all.
What we mean by this is that it’s always better to have an insurance policy with a 100% guarantee that your loved ones will receive the full death benefit right away upon your passing.
The truth is, a guaranteed acceptance policy should always be your last resort. No matter who you are.
This type of policy is reserved for people who do not qualify for any other type of policy due to health or financial reasons. It is why there are zero health questions on the application and is truly guaranteed acceptance.
If you are in your 40s and in relatively good health, there is a very good chance you’ll qualify for a plan without a graded period.
In our experience, the majority of people in their 40s do qualify for a different policy but they have been led to think otherwise from friends, family or searching online. We can’t stress it enough, a guaranteed acceptance policy is the last resort for people with a critical medical condition.
Simplified Issue Life Insurance in your 40’s
For those who do not have critical health concerns but still want the convenience of no medical exam and an easy application process, the best option is a simplified issue final expense policy. This type of policy includes what is called simplified underwriting.
Simplified underwriting means there are no medical examinations, tests or fluid collections. There are only health and lifestyle questions you must answer during a phone application.
The answers you provide will be validated against data received from third-party sources relative to identify, driving record, and prescription and insurance history. For this reason, it is imperative that you answer every question honestly and to the best of your ability.
Benefits of a Simplified Issue Policy
There are three BIG BENEFITS in applying for a simplified issue life insurance policy in your 40s:
- Instant coverage without a waiting period! This means no 2-3 graded period before the full policy amount is guaranteed to your beneficiaries.
- Less expensive! Since your health is helping you to qualify for coverage, the carriers view you as less of a risk and therefore, offer lower monthly fees.
- More options! Instead of just one carrier for GI, there are multiple simplified issue carriers that will insure people in their 40s.
If you are unsure whether you should apply for a simplified issue or guaranteed issue policy, you should speak with an independent agent that has experience in both types. All it takes is one quick phone call to ensure that you are protecting your loved ones appropriately.
How to Apply for Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance at Age 40
Applying for guaranteed issue life insurance at any age is simple, but it’s important to know with certainty that it’s the right policy for you. We suggest working with an experienced, independent agent who can determine if guaranteed acceptance life insurance or simplified issue policy is the best choice and quickly compare rates.
Together we will determine if a no questions policy is the most appropriate product for you. If so, then our entire team can efficiently manage the application process at no cost to you. If a simplified issue policy is ultimately the best choice, we can shop around to dozens of the best carriers and find the right one for you and your individual needs.
We can be reached directly at 949-480-9638 and we look forward to working with you soon.