Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 62 Year Olds – Benefits + FAQs

Written by Jeff Root

Deciding whether to be guaranteed issue life insurance for 62 year olds is an important decision to make.

Knowing the benefits, cost considerations and how to choose the right policy can help you determine if this type of coverage is best for your needs.

Seniors and baby boomers should understand what guaranteed issue life insurance entails before making a purchase decision – from reviews and quotes to selecting the best companies offering competitive rates based on gender.

Here, we’ll cover all that you need to know about guaranteed issue life insurance so that you can confidently decide if it’s right for you at age 62 or beyond.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?
  2. Benefits of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 62 Year Olds
  3. How to Choose the Right Policy
  4. Cost Considerations
  5. Reviews & Quotes
  6. FAQs in Relation to Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 62 Year Olds
  7. Next Steps

What is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a type of policy that does not require the applicant to undergo any medical exams or answer health questions. This makes it ideal for seniors and those with pre-existing conditions who may otherwise be denied coverage.

The main benefit of guaranteed issue life insurance is that it provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death, without having to worry about being rejected due to poor health or age.

It also allows you to leave behind money for funeral expenses, debts, and other final costs associated with passing away. People age 60 and older buy guaranteed issue policies all the time.

Unlike traditional policies which are based on factors such as lifestyle habits and medical history; guaranteed issue policies do not take these into account when determining eligibility.

Instead they rely solely on whether an individual meets the minimum requirements set by the insurer, namely your age (typically 50 or older). As long as this requirement is met then coverage can be obtained regardless of any existing health issues or previous rejections from other insurers.

Benefits of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 62 Year Olds

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a great option for those over the age of 62. It provides financial protection for your loved ones in the event of an unexpected death, without having to worry about being rejected due to poor health or age.

It also allows you to leave behind money for funeral expenses, debts, and other final costs associated with passing away. This type of policy can provide peace of mind knowing that your family will be taken care of if something happens to you unexpectedly.

As we get older, our ability to obtain traditional life insurance becomes more difficult due to increasing risks associated with age-related illnesses such as:

Fortunately, there are options available specifically designed for seniors including 62 year olds, known as ‘guaranteed issue’ policies – which provide financial protection without requiring applicants to go through lengthy medical examinations or answer intrusive questions about their past health history.

A guaranteed issued policy could prove invaluable in providing much needed financial security during times when families need it most – after losing someone close suddenly. But, especially so if there was no existing coverage in place prior to buying a guaranteed issue policy.

A guarantee issued policy offers several benefits including:

No Medical Exams Required – As mentioned above one major advantage is that no physical exam is required meaning you won’t have wait around nervously hoping you pass some stringent tests before being accepted onto a plan.

All you need do is meet certain criteria laid out by your chosen provider (usually just needing proof that you meet the age requirement). Once approved, coverage begins immediately.

Affordable Premiums – Another great thing about guarantee issued plans are they tend come at very reasonable rates making them accessible even on tight budgets. Just know that premiums are affordable due to the fact that only modest face amounts are available.

Many guaranteed issue policies come with accelerated death benefits which allow beneficiaries access to some or all of the death benefit before the insured passes away if they become terminally ill or require long-term care services such as nursing home stays or hospice care expenses.

This feature helps provide financial relief during an already difficult time without having to wait until after their passing for funds from a traditional policy payout.

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a great way for seniors and baby boomers over the age of 50 to get coverage without having to go through medical exams or answer health questions.

Key Takeaway: Guaranteed issue life insurance is a great option for those over the age of 62, as it provides financial protection without requiring medical exams or intrusive questions about health history.

How to Choose the Right Policy

Choosing the right guaranteed issue life insurance policy can be a difficult decision. It’s important to compare policies and understand the features of each before making your choice. Here are some tips on how to select the best policy for you.

Be sure to exhaust other life insurance options before buying a guaranteed issue policy.

You need to know that guaranteed issue coverage is specifically designed for those who would otherwise be considered uninsurable. If you do not have serious health ailments, consider other forms of coverage, first. An expert agent will walk you through your options.

Coverage Amount

The amount of coverage you need will depend on your individual needs and financial situation. Consider factors such as funeral costs, outstanding debts, and any other expenses that may arise after death when determining how much coverage is necessary.


Many insurers offer riders that provide additional benefits or protection with your policy. These can include accidental death benefit riders, waiver of premium riders, or accelerated death benefit riders among others.

Be sure to read through all available options so you know what is included in each policy before making a selection.

Other Features

Other features to consider when selecting a guaranteed issue life insurance policy include whether it offers cash value accumulation over time and if there are any restrictions on who can be named as beneficiaries of the policy.

Payment Options

Also look into payment terms; many policies have flexible payment plans which allow for monthly payments instead of one lump sum up front.

Other Considerations

It is also important to research different companies offering guaranteed issue life insurance policies in order to find one with competitive rates and good customer service ratings from past customers.

Reading reviews online can help give insight into an insurer’s reputation so you know what kind of experience other people have had with them in the past.

With the help of an agent, comparing quotes from multiple providers is also recommended since prices vary significantly between companies depending on age, health status, and lifestyle habits, so it pays off to shop around for the best deal possible.

It is important to take the time to understand your individual needs and compare different policies when choosing a guaranteed issue life insurance policy. The next heading will discuss how to get quotes for these policies.

Key Takeaway: When selecting a guaranteed issue life insurance policy for 62 year olds, it is important to consider the coverage amount, riders, other features such as cash value accumulation and payment terms, and research different companies. Shopping around for quotes from multiple providers is recommended in order to find the best deal possible.

Cost Considerations

When it comes to the cost of guaranteed issue life insurance for 62 year olds, there are only a few factors that affect the rate.

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Face amount

Generally speaking, rates will be higher for those who are older because of mortality rates.

Gender is also a factor; women tend to pay lower premiums than men, due to their longer life expectancy.

Face amount is another factor that affects rates. Unsurprisingly, the larger the policy, the more you will pay in premiums.

Reviews & Quotes

When it comes to finding the right guaranteed issue life insurance policy for 62 year olds, reviews and quotes are essential.

Reviews, such as the best guaranteed issue life insurance companies, provide insight into what other customers have experienced with a particular company or policy.

Be sure to use our free quoting system (found on every page) which allows you to compare different policies and companies in order to find the best deal for your needs. Quotes are also important when selecting a guaranteed issue life insurance policy for 62 year olds.

Finally, be sure to collaborate with an expert independent agent. This way you can get first-hand information about any company in question and any advice they may have regarding coverage options.

Key Takeaway: Reading reviews and comparing quotes can help you find the best guaranteed issue life insurance policy for your 62 year old self.

FAQs in Relation to Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 62 Year Olds

Here, we will cover frequently asked questions about guaranteed issue life insurance for someone who is 62 years old.

What is the best life insurance to get at age 62?

When it comes to life insurance at age 62, guaranteed issue policies are often the best option.

These policies do not require a medical exam or health questions and offer coverage up to $25,000. They also provide immediate protection for your loved ones in case of an accidental death. (You will have to wait two years for the full death benefit for non-accidental deaths.)

However, they typically come with higher premiums than other types of life insurance and may not be suitable for everyone’s needs.

It is important to compare quotes from different companies and read reviews before making a decision on which policy is right for you.

Can a 62 year old get whole life insurance?

Yes, a 62 year old can get whole life insurance.

Whole life insurance is designed to provide coverage for the insured’s entire lifetime and offers guaranteed premiums, cash value accumulation, and death benefit protection.

It is typically more expensive than guaranteed issue or term life insurance, but provides greater financial security over the long-term.

Depending on an individual’s health status and lifestyle choices, some insurers may offer lower rates or even no medical exam policies for seniors aged 62 and above.

What is guaranteed life insurance for grandparents or seniors?

Guaranteed issue life insurance for grandparents and seniors alike, is a type of policy designed specifically for seniors and other individuals over the age of 50.

It provides coverage without requiring any medical examinations or health questions, making it an ideal option for those who may have difficulty obtaining traditional life insurance due to pre-existing conditions or advanced age.

The premiums are typically higher than standard policies, but this ensures that everyone can access the protection they need regardless of their health status.

Additionally, some guaranteed issue policies also offer additional benefits such as accelerated death benefit riders which can provide financial assistance in times of need.

Next Steps

Guaranteed issue life insurance for 62 year olds is an important consideration for seniors and baby boomers. It can provide financial security to those who are unable to qualify for traditional policies due to health issues or other factors.

When choosing a policy, it’s important to consider the benefits of each option, cost considerations, and reviews and quotes from reliable sources. With the right information and guidance, you can make an informed decision that will help protect your family in the future.

If you are a 62 year old looking for life insurance, Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is an ideal solution. With guaranteed acceptance and no medical questions asked, this type of policy can provide financial protection to your loved ones in the event of your death.

We offer comprehensive education on the various types of policies available, competitive quotes from leading insurers and honest reviews so that you can make an informed decision about which policy best suits your needs. Don’t wait – start protecting those who matter most today.

About Jeff Root & Guaranteed Issue Life
About Jeff Root & Guaranteed Issue Life

Jeff Root is the author of The Digital Life Insurance Agent and host of the Modern Life Insurance Selling Podcast.

Guaranteed Issue Life is a nationally licensed agency, that has helped over 1500 consumers purchase guaranteed issue life insurance. We represent over 30 life insurance companies & transact business in every state.

All content on this site has been written by life insurance experts & licensed life insurance agents.

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