Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 69 Year Olds – Rates + FAQs

Written by Jeff Root

Guaranteed issue life insurance for 69 year olds can provide financial protection in case of an unexpected death, so it’s necessary to understand how these policies work.

As you age, the importance of having a life insurance policy increases. If you are 69 years old and looking for guaranteed issue life insurance coverage, this guide is here to help.

We will explore benefits that come with these plans, sample rates available for both males and females at this age group as well as discuss the best companies offering such policies.

Finally, we’ll cover all the details on how to apply so that you have all the information necessary before making your decision.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?
  2. Benefits of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 69 Year Olds
  3. What Affects Rates for 69 Year Olds
  4. Best Companies Offering Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
  5. How To Apply For Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
  6. FAQs in Relation to Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 69 Year Olds
    1. Can a 69 year old get life insurance?
    2. How much is life insurance for a 69 year old?
    3. What is guaranteed life insurance for parents?
  7. Conclusion

What is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a type of life insurance designed for seniors and those over the age of 50 who may have difficulty obtaining traditional life insurance due to health issues or other factors.

It offers coverage without a medical exam or health questions, making it an attractive option for those who are unable to qualify for traditional life insurance.

This type of policy is typically offered in smaller amounts than regular policies, usually up to $25,000. The premiums are also higher than regular policies because there is no medical underwriting involved.

However, guaranteed issue policies do not require any kind of physical examination and can be purchased quickly and easily with minimal paperwork.

In addition to providing coverage without the need for a medical exam or health questions, guaranteed issue life insurance also offers some additional benefits that make them attractive options for seniors and older adults.

For example, they often come with accelerated death benefit riders which allow policyholders to access their death benefit early if they become terminally ill before passing away. T

his feature allows individuals to use the money from their policy while they’re still alive in order to cover end-of-life expenses such as funeral costs or medical bills that aren’t covered by Medicare or Medicaid.

Another advantage of guaranteed issue life insurance is that it doesn’t require any kind of application waiting period before policy approval. This makes it an ideal choice if you need immediate protection.

Keep in mind, however, there is typically a two year contestability period after a policy’s issuance. The full death benefit is not paid out until the waiting period is over.

Finally, these types of policies are generally more affordable than other forms of permanent life insurance since the coverage amounts are modest.

Insurers simply charge based on the amount being insured and the applicant’s age at time purchase—making them especially appealing options for people on fixed incomes like retirees living off Social Security payments alone, who might otherwise struggle affording more expensive plans.

Guaranteed issue life insurance is an important option for seniors and those over the age of 60, as it offers guaranteed coverage regardless of health. Next we will explore the benefits of this type of insurance specifically for 69 year olds.

Key Takeaway: Guaranteed issue life insurance is an attractive option for seniors and older adults who may have difficulty obtaining traditional life insurance due to health issues or other factors. It offers coverage without a medical exam or health questions.

Benefits of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 69 Year Olds

One of the main benefits of guaranteed issue life insurance is that it provides financial security for loved ones after death.

The lump sum payment from the policy can help cover funeral costs, medical bills, and other expenses that may arise in the wake of a senior’s passing. This money can also provide peace-of-mind to those left behind knowing they won’t be burdened with these costs.

Another benefit is that this type of policy offers tax-free payments to beneficiaries upon death. This means there are no taxes taken out when the money is received, allowing families to use more funds towards covering any outstanding debts or other expenses related to their loved one’s passing.

In addition, guaranteed issue policies typically offer coverage amounts up to $25,000 which could make them more affordable than traditional policies depending on individual needs and circumstances.

For example, if someone only requires enough coverage for final expenses such as funeral costs and medical bills then a smaller amount like $10,000 would likely suffice, while still providing some financial protection for family members after death without breaking the bank each month on premiums..

Finally, applying for guaranteed issue life insurance doesn’t require taking physical exams or answering lengthy questionnaires about your health history; instead you simply need proof of identity such as driver’s license or passport number along with basic personal information like address and date of birth.

Overall, seniors over 69 years old should consider getting guaranteed issue life insurance since it provides peace-of-mind knowing their family will receive some financial assistance following their passing.

Additionally, they can avoid expensive premiums associated with traditional policies due to its lower coverage limits available.

Guaranteed issue life insurance is an important option for 69 year olds to consider, as it provides peace of mind and financial security in the event of unexpected death. Now let’s take a look at sample rates for 69 year olds.

Key Takeaway: Guaranteed issue life insurance is a great option for seniors over 69 years old as it provides financial security to their loved ones after death and offers tax-free payments.

What Affects Rates for 69 Year Olds

When it comes to guaranteed issue life insurance for 69 year olds, the sample rates can vary depending on the company offering the policy.

Generally speaking, premiums are higher in relation to coverage amount, than those offered by traditional policies due to the lack of medical underwriting involved in issuing guaranteed issue policies.

Some companies may offer a flat rate regardless of age or health status, like Colonial Penn, while others may have an adjustable rate based on certain factors such as gender and date of birth.

Almost always, it is recommended to apply with a carrier who factors gender and age during underwriting.

In addition, many companies also provide riders that allow you to customize your policy even further. These riders can include things like accelerated death benefits which pay out a portion of your death benefit if you become terminally ill before passing away.

It is important to note that these types of policies typically come with much higher premiums based on the face amount – than other forms of life insurance due to their no-questions-asked nature.

But they are still worth considering if you need coverage quickly without having to go through a lengthy application process or answer intrusive questions about your health history.

The best way to find out what kind of rates are available for 69 year olds is by shopping around online and comparing quotes from different providers. Work with an expert agent during the comparison process.

Guaranteed issue life insurance rates for 69 year olds can vary greatly, so it’s important to shop around and compare different companies before making a decision. In the next section, we’ll look at the best companies offering guaranteed issue life insurance.

Key Takeaway: When shopping for guaranteed issue life insurance for 69 year olds, it is important to compare quotes from different providers in order to get the most value for your money.

Best Companies Offering Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

When it comes to finding the best companies offering guaranteed issue life insurance, there are a few carriers to consider.

AIG offers coverage up to $25,000 for those aged 50-80 with no medical exam required. They also provide an online application process that makes it easy and convenient for customers to apply.

Gerber Life also provides policies up to $20,000 with no medical exams or health questions asked at all. Their rates are competitively priced and they offer a variety of payment options including monthly payments or lump sum payments if desired.

Great Western is another great option when looking for guaranteed issue life insurance coverage. They offer plans up to $40,000 without any health questions or exams needed as well as flexible payment options.

The best companies offering guaranteed issue life insurance provide a secure and reliable option for seniors to get the coverage they need. Now, let’s take a look at how to apply for this type of policy.

Key Takeaway: When looking for guaranteed issue life insurance coverage, it is important to consider the top providers in this space.

How To Apply For Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

Applying for guaranteed issue life insurance is a relatively straightforward process.

Most companies require applicants to fill out an online application form with basic information such as name, address, and date of birth.

It’s important to be honest when answering these questions; if the insurer finds out that you have provided false or misleading information on your application, they may deny coverage or cancel your policy.

Once approved, applicants will receive their policy documents via mail or email within a few days or weeks depending on the company’s processing time frame.

The documents will include details about the type and amount of coverage purchased and other important information about the policy. It’s essential to read through all of this material carefully so that you understand what is covered and what isn’t before signing anything.

When it comes time to pay premiums for your guaranteed issue life insurance policy, most companies offer several payment options including monthly payments by credit card or bank transfer. Some insurers also provide discounts for paying annual premiums in full up front instead of making monthly payments over time.

It is also important to keep track of when premium payments are due each month; if you miss one payment without notifying the insurer beforehand, your coverage could be cancelled immediately unless special arrangements are made with them first.

Additionally, some policies may come with additional fees such as late charges if premium payments aren’t received by their due dates, so make sure you know exactly how much money needs to be paid each month in order to maintain continuous coverage under your policy.

Key Takeaway: When applying for guaranteed issue life insurance, it is important to be honest when answering questions and read through the policy documents carefully. Once approved, you will need to pay your premiums on time in order to maintain coverage.

FAQs in Relation to Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 69 Year Olds

Can a 69 year old get life insurance?

Yes, a 69 year old can get life insurance. Many companies offer guaranteed issue policies that do not require any medical exams or health questions.

These policies are typically more expensive than traditional life insurance but provide coverage for seniors who may have difficulty qualifying due to age or health issues.

It is important to compare quotes and read reviews before selecting a policy to ensure you find the best coverage at the most affordable rate.

How much is life insurance for a 69 year old?

The cost of life insurance for a 69 year old will depend on several factors, such as the type of policy chosen, the amount of coverage desired, your age and gender, possibly health status.

Generally speaking, term life insurance is more affordable than permanent policies for seniors over 50. However, due to their age and potential health issues, premiums can be higher than those for younger individuals.

Guaranteed issue life insurance is often a great option. Remember, this type of policy does not require a medical exam or questions about health history but typically offers lower death benefits with higher premiums.

It is important to compare quotes from multiple providers and consider all options before making a decision.

What is guaranteed life insurance for parents?

Guaranteed issue life insurance for parents is a type of policy designed specifically for seniors and other individuals over the age of 50.

It offers coverage to your parents with virtually no underwriting.


In conclusion, guaranteed issue life insurance for 69 year olds is a great way to ensure financial security and peace of mind. With the right company offering competitive rates, seniors can get the coverage they need without having to worry about medical exams or other restrictions.

Sample rates for both male and female 69 year olds are available on our website, making it easy to compare companies and find the best deal.

Applying for guaranteed issue life insurance is simple; just follow the instructions provided by your chosen insurer. With this information in hand, you’ll be able to make an informed decision when selecting a policy that fits your needs and budget.

Are you looking for life insurance coverage that won’t turn you away because of your age? Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance can provide 69 year olds with the security and protection they need, no matter their health or lifestyle.

Get informed about guaranteed issue life insurance today to find out if it’s right for you – get free quotes, compare plans, and read customer reviews to make sure you’re making the best decision.

About Jeff Root & Guaranteed Issue Life
About Jeff Root & Guaranteed Issue Life

Jeff Root is the author of The Digital Life Insurance Agent and host of the Modern Life Insurance Selling Podcast.

Guaranteed Issue Life is a nationally licensed agency, that has helped over 1500 consumers purchase guaranteed issue life insurance. We represent over 30 life insurance companies & transact business in every state.

All content on this site has been written by life insurance experts & licensed life insurance agents.

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