Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 61 Year Olds: Pros, Cons + FAQs

Written by Jeff Root

Guaranteed issue life insurance for 61 year olds is a popular choice among seniors and baby boomers, as it provides an easy way to secure coverage without having to go through the traditional underwriting process.

Whether you are looking for financial security or simply want peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be taken care of after you’re gone, guaranteed issue life insurance can provide protection.

We’ll explore what guaranteed issue life insurance is, who it benefits most and how it works – including sample rates specifically designed for 61 year olds.

We’ll also look into the pros and cons associated with choosing this type of policy so that you have all the information you need when making your decision about whether or not to purchase a policy.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?
  2. Who Can Benefit from Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?
  3. Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance
  4. Sample guaranteed issue rates for 61 year old
  5. FAQs in Relation to “Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 61 Year Olds”
  6. Conclusion

What is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a type of policy designed to provide coverage for individuals who may not qualify for traditional life insurance due to health or lifestyle factors.

It is a no-questions-asked policy that does not require a medical exam or any other form of underwriting.

This type of policy can be beneficial for seniors, baby boomers and anyone over the age of 50 who may have difficulty qualifying for traditional life insurance policies due to pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and more.

It also provides an alternative option for those with less than perfect credit scores or those who are unable to afford higher premiums associated with standard policies.

Guaranteed issue policies typically offer smaller death benefits compared to traditional plans but they do come with some advantages including guaranteed acceptance regardless of your current health status and lower premiums than many other types of policies.

The application process is simple and straightforward; you will need to fill out an application form which includes basic information about yourself such as name, address and date of birth.

Once you’ve submitted the form, you will receive an immediate decision on whether you are eligible for coverage without having to undergo any medical tests or exams.

Once approved, your premium payments will remain fixed throughout the duration of the policy so there is no risk that rates could increase based on changes in your health status over time.

Guaranteed issue policies are permanent in nature. You cannot outlive your policy.

Additionally, there is likely a waiting period of two before full benefits kick in depending on the insurer’s requirements, so make sure you read all terms carefully before signing up.

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is an affordable and straightforward way for seniors over the age of 61 to ensure their families are provided for in case of unexpected death. Next, let’s explore what types of coverage may be available for those looking to purchase a policy.

Key Takeaway: Guaranteed issue life insurance is a no-questions-asked policy designed to provide coverage for individuals who may not qualify for traditional life insurance due to health or lifestyle factors.

Who Can Benefit from Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

This form of coverage is often beneficial for those who are over the age of 61 and have been declined for traditional life insurance policies due to their health, or lifestyle factors.

Health conditions that sometimes result in denial for traditional life insurance include:

For seniors and baby boomers who may have difficulty obtaining coverage through other means, guaranteed issue life insurance can provide peace of mind knowing that they will still be able to get coverage regardless of their current state of health.

The main benefit associated with guaranteed issue life insurance is its ability to provide coverage without any medical underwriting requirements.

Additionally, many people find these types of plans attractive because they don’t require any paperwork or lengthy application processes like other forms of life insurance do.

Another advantage associated with this type of policy is the fact that it offers flexible payment options so you can choose how much you want to pay each month depending on your budget constraints and needs at the time.

Guaranteed issue life insurance can be a great option for seniors and baby boomers who are looking for an affordable way to protect their families.

Key Takeaway: Guaranteed issue life insurance is an attractive option for those over the age of 61 who have been declined for traditional policies due to their health or lifestyle factors.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

When considering whether guaranteed issue life insurance is right for you it’s important to weigh both its pros and cons carefully before making your decision:


The main benefit of this type of policy is that it offers coverage regardless of the applicant’s health status and does not require any medical tests or paperwork.

Guaranteed issue life insurance offers simplicity and accessibility.

Consider the following benefits to guaranteed issue coverage:

  • No medical exams
  • No health questions asked
  • Quick approval process
  • Easy to apply online
  • Often no paperwork involved
  • Can be used for final expenses

It can be purchased quickly and easily with no need to fill out lengthy forms or provide detailed information about your health history.


However, there are some drawbacks associated with guaranteed issue life insurance as well.

One major disadvantage is that the death benefit amount is usually much lower than what you would receive from a traditional policy since carriers are assuming more risk.

Consider the following concerns related to guaranteed issue coverage:

  • Low maximum death benefit amounts (typically between $5K-$25K)
  • Higher premiums compared with traditional plans
  • Limited riders available
  • More comprehensive policies are on the market

While guaranteed issue life insurance can be beneficial for those who cannot qualify for more comprehensive coverage due to their age or health status, it should only be used as a last resort if all other options have been exhausted first.

These policies tend to offer limited protection at relatively high costs compared to other types of plans available on the market today, so it is important to explore all possible alternatives before settling on this option.

Key Takeaway: Guaranteed issue life insurance is a great option for 61 year olds who cannot qualify for traditional policies due to age, health, or lifestyle factors.

Sample guaranteed issue rates for 61 year old

To recap, guaranteed issue policies typically have lower death benefits than traditional policies and may require higher premiums in exchange for the lack of underwriting requirements.

For 61 year old individuals looking into guaranteed issue life insurance, sample rates can vary significantly based on gender and the amount of coverage desired.

For example, a male aged 61 could expect to pay around $50 per month for a $10,000 death benefit while a female aged 61 could expect to pay around $35 per month for the same amount of coverage.

Be sure to evaluate the top-rated guaranteed issue life insurance companies to compare and contrast – before moving forward with an application.

These rates are just estimates as actual costs will depend on the individual’s age at time of purchase and any applicable discounts they may be eligible for through their insurer.

Key Takeaway: Premiums are higher than traditional policies and coverage amounts are typically lower ($5K-$25K).

FAQs in Relation to Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for 61 Year Olds

Can a 61 year old get life insurance?

Yes, a 61 year old can get life insurance. Most life insurance companies offer guaranteed issue policies for seniors and baby boomers over the age of 50.

These policies are designed to provide coverage without any medical exams or health questions, making them ideal for those who may not qualify for traditional life insurance due to their age or pre-existing conditions.

However, these policies typically have higher premiums than other types of life insurance and provide limited death benefit amounts. It is important to compare quotes from multiple providers before selecting a policy that meets your needs and budget.

What is the best life insurance to get after age 60?

The best life insurance for someone age 60 or older is sometimes guaranteed issue life insurance. This type of policy does not require a medical exam or health questions, and the coverage amount is typically lower than other types of policies.

It also offers more flexibility in terms of premium payments. Additionally, it can provide financial protection to your loved ones if you pass away unexpectedly.

With guaranteed issue life insurance, you can get the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family will be taken care of after you’re gone regardless of your health status.

What is guaranteed life insurance for seniors?

Guaranteed issue life insurance for grandparents, and seniors alike, is a type of life insurance policy that does not require any medical exams or health questions.

It is designed to provide coverage for individuals over the age of 50 who may have difficulty obtaining traditional life insurance due to their age, health conditions, or other factors.

This type of policy offers an affordable way to protect loved ones from financial hardship in the event of death and can be used as part of an estate plan.

Premiums are typically higher than those associated with traditional policies but offer peace-of-mind knowing that coverage will always be available regardless of changes in health status.

Is there guaranteed issue term life insurance?

Almost always, guaranteed issue is a form of permanent life insurance.

That way, you do not need to worry about outliving your life insurance policy. It is an ideal form of coverage for end-of-life expenses.


In conclusion, guaranteed issue life insurance for 61 year olds can be a great option if you are looking to secure your financial future.

It offers coverage without the need of medical exams or health questions, making it an ideal choice for those with pre-existing conditions or other health issues that may prevent them from qualifying for traditional life insurance policies.

Be sure to compare sample rates and read reviews before choosing a policy so you can make an informed decision about which type of coverage best meets your needs.

Are you a 61 year old looking for life insurance coverage? Don’t worry, guaranteed issue life insurance can help. We provide the education, quotes and reviews you need to make an informed decision.

About Jeff Root & Guaranteed Issue Life
About Jeff Root & Guaranteed Issue Life

Jeff Root is the author of The Digital Life Insurance Agent and host of the Modern Life Insurance Selling Podcast.

Guaranteed Issue Life is a nationally licensed agency, that has helped over 1500 consumers purchase guaranteed issue life insurance. We represent over 30 life insurance companies & transact business in every state.

All content on this site has been written by life insurance experts & licensed life insurance agents.

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